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This application gives your enterprise the power to map your complex medical records with a barcode-based architecture, allowing you to target and tag specific data-points within the record.

éTags constitute an important organisational paradigm within PuttyEnterprise™. éTags allow a patient's interactions with your enterprise to be created, modified, tracked, and audited down the line. A patient (Px) presents with a problem or set of problems (Pr) which are all represented by way of éTags. Subsequently, a set of actions (Ax) must be tagged in relation to a parent problem (Pr). This is one of the fundamental precepts of the PuttyHealth™ EMR architecture.

The éTag application enables the user to simply view the list of tags and associated éForms, éCabinet, and éBilling. Furthermore, a powerful, intelligent and open-ended éTag filter tool allows users to display specific sets or classes of éTags, from a cross-indexed matrix of literally billions of possibilities. Fully scalable, this tool can be configured by QandaX engineers according to the specific needs of a given enterprise.